Objective: To assess the effectiveness of the phase angle measured
by electrical bioimpedance as a predictor for healing evaluation in patients with skin
lesions or risk of developing them. Method: A systematic review operationalized
according to Joanna Briggs Institute methodology, PRISMA checklist recommendations.
The sample included patients over 18 years old with varied skin lesions. Results: Four
studies demonstrated the use of phase angle for the healing outcome and one study
indicated a possible relationship between phase angle and the prediction of the onset
and risk of pressure ulcer. Cut-off points were obtained for certain lesions. As it was not
possible to perform a meta-analysis, it is proposed to conduct primary studies on the
theme of this study. Conclusion: Although there are few scientific papers with the theme
proposed, it was possible to demonstrate moderate evidence for the “healing” outcome
and low evidence for the “risk of lesion” outcome.
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