Objective:To describe the nurses' difficulties in managing patient safety in thesurgical center.Method:A descriptive exploratory study, with a quantitative andqualitativeapproach, conducted by means of an online survey with 204 nursesworking in the surgical centers from different Brazilian regions. The questionnairecontained data on socio-professional characterization and an open question. Foranalysis, descriptive statistics and textual analysis were adopted with the supportof the IRAMUTEQ software.Results: Three semantic classes were obtained: (1)Organizational support (35.6%); (2) Interpersonal conflicts at work (38.3%); and(3) Involvement of the health team in the safe surgery checklist (25.8%).Conclusion:The nurses' difficulties in managing patientsafety in the surgicalcenter are mainly related to interpersonal relationships in the workplace and toorganizational support.
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