Objective:This article aimed to analyze Brazilian scientific productions about theworkings of public policies aimed at labor and delivery of women in public healthcare services.Method:This was an integrative review of the following databasesand portals: SciELO,BDENF, Lilacs, and the Capes Periodical Portal. Articlespublished between July 2011 and December 2018, both in Portuguese and English,were included. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 51 articles wereevaluated based on their titles and abstracts, and of these, 30 were selected, whichwere then fully analyzed. Finally, eight articles remained.Results:The analysisyielded three categories: the performance of health professionals, impasses of theStork Network policy, and the health network and care provided to women.Discussion:Health professional work to build a powerful and accessible networkfor pregnant and postpartum women.Conclusion:the organization of the StorkNetwork still has organizational and structural gaps in relation to good practices inprenatal care and childbirth.
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