Objective: to identify the strategies for the safe use of antimicrobials adopted by Nursing in the hospital environment. Method: an integrative review, carried out from June to July 2020, on the LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and EMBASE databases. Articles from 2015 to June 2020 were selected. For the analysis of the evidence levels, the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation was adopted. Results: eight articles were found, distributed in Nursing management and care strategies, related to the safe use of antimicrobials. Discussion: among the main managerial strategies, the role of the educator and the setting up of multidisciplinary monitoring committees stand out; and, among the care strategies, the technical specificities of antimicrobial stewardship. Conclusion: the main Nursing practical strategies found were professional education in the rational use and multidisciplinary monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in the hospital environment. It is believed that the identification of these strategies will contribut...
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