Objective: To analyze the creation process of the Rio de Janeiro State Nursing School (Escola de Enfermagem do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, EEERJ), currently the Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School (Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa, EEAAC/UFF). Method: A historical study with a qualitative approach. Sources: reports, minutes, legislation, news from newspapers of the collections of the EEAAC/UFF, of the Anna Nery Nursing School/UFRJ, and of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. Triangulation analysis of the sources. Results: Created on 04/19/1944 and inaugurated on 02/01/1945, the creation strategies were the following: choosing the city of Niterói; structuring equivalent to the Official Standard School, appointment of a former student and former professor as principal; authorities at official ceremonies. Discussion: The insufficiency of professionals; the quality of teaching; the strict discipline and political influence of Alzira Vargas contributed to the implementation in a very short time and to take advantage of symbolic gains. Conclusion: Its creation contributed to the professional and social recognition arising from the participation in a project that would collaborate for the development of the country.
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