Objective: To identify the structure of the social representations on sexuality among adolescents in the Amazonian context. Method: A qualitative and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, having the Theory of the Central Core of Social Representations as input, developed with 101 young individuals from a public school in Belém do Pará in September and October 2018. The data were collected by means of freely evoking the inducer term “sexuality” and analyzed by means of the openEvoc 0.84 software. Results: The central core was integrated by the “pregnancy and diseases” elements. The peripheral system was constituted in greater frequency by: “sex and having sex”, in the first periphery; “condom and pleasure”, in the second periphery; and “sperm and penis”, in the contrast zone. Discussion: For the adolescents, the main elements are “sex”, “to having sex” and “orgasm”. In the representative core of the girls, the most readily evoked ...
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