Objective: To analyze the spatial dynamics of fetal mortality and its relation with social exclusion. Method: An ecological study, whose units of analysis will be the municipalities of Pernambuco. The calculation of the fetal mortality rates will include fetal deaths of residents in Pernambuco between 2010 and 2017, recorded in the Mortality Information System. The social exclusion index will be elaborated with data from the 2010 Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics that present statistical significance with fetal mortality. The index calculation will use the technique of factorial analysis by main components with varimax orthogonal rotation. In the spatial analysis, the empirical Bayesian method will be applied, and the local and global Moran spatial autocorrelation indexes will be calculated. Expected results: Identifying the relation between social exclusion and the spatial dynamics of fetal mortality, in order to assist in the development of health actions by identifying areas that need priority attention.References
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