Objectives: To investigate the perinatal outcomes of pregnant women diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out in a school maternity hospital, with a sample of 157 fetuses/neonates of pregnant women diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia. For data analysis, the values of descriptive statistics were calculated using SPSS 21.0. Results: In 22.3% of cases, pregnancy evolved with a diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction. Fetal death had an incidence of 7.6%. Among neonates, 48% were born under the age of 37 weeks and more than half (56.7%) were classified as underweight. The APGAR index in the first and fifth minutes were compatible with moderate anoxia. 20.4% of newborns required resuscitation and 18.5% were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Conclusions: Pre-eclampsia had repercussions with the presence of intrauterine growth restriction, fetal death, prematurity, low weight, need for neonatal resuscitation and admission to the intensive care unit.References
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