Objective: To estimate the magnitude of global prenatal care indicators and to verify the association between the standardized prenatal adequacy index and the race/skin color of the women. Method: A cross-sectional population-based study conducted with data from the National Health Survey. Bivariate analysis was performed by means of a multinomial model using Odds Ratio (OR) as a measure for association, and its respective 95% confidence intervals. Results: The global prevalence of adequate prenatal care for Brazilian women is 10.8%. The adequacy of prenatal care was low both for the group of white and black women, 15.51% and 8.56%, respectively; however, there was a positive association between being black and having inadequate prenatal care. Discussion: Although there is an increasing prenatal coverage, when considering aspects related to the adequacy of care, there is an important reduction in this percentage. Conclusion: Black women are less likely to have adequate prenatal care. Keywords: Prenatal care health inequalities; Public Health.References
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