Aim: to analyze the relationship between the manual grip strength and the functional independence measure of long-lived elderly. Method: a cross-sectional quantitative study, developed with 72 patients from primary care in Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Data were collected between August and December 2015. Descriptive and association analyzes were performed between variables. Results: 22 (30.6%) had a decrease in manual grip strength; and regarding functional independence, 51 (70.8%) were independent and 21 (29.2%) were moderately dependent. There was a significant association between the manual grip strength and the cognitive functional independence measure (p=0.021). Discussion: the gerontological care related to the practice of physical activity and participation in workshops of cognitive stimulation adapted to the schooling of the long-lived elderly people is fundamental. Conclusion: considering the association between the functionality and the manual grip strength, it is recommended to evaluate these aspects in the nursing consultations of the long-lived elderly, in different contexts of care.References
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