Aim: characterize the socio-demographic and clinical-epidemiological profile of people with spinal cord injury (SCI). Method: this is a cross-sectional, quantitative study involving 80 individuals with SCI. Results: the sample was mostly composed by young individuals, male, with chest injury, victims of traffic accidents. A correlation was found between SCI at lumbar level with firearm accidents, between thoracic injuries and traffic accidents and between cervical lesions and shallow-water diving injuries. Tetraplegia had a greater influence as a risk factor for all complications related to paraplegia, but presented a protective factor for pain syndromes. The reuse of the catheter presented a risk factor for urinary infection, obstruction and bleeding. The use of a lubricated catheter was a protective factor for all the complications studied. Conclusion: the knowledge of the intervening factors to the spinal cord injuries, as well as the identification of the risks of complications, corroborates to a more qualified care.References
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