Objective: To evaluate the living and health conditions of the elderly attended by Family Health Strategy teams of a municipality in the Amazon region. Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted with 441 elderly selected by non-probabilistic sample in the city of Benevides, Brazil. The Elderly Handbook was applied to assign the profile of the elderly users. Results: predominantly young elderly (46%), with low education (86%), sedentary (84%), with chronic conditions (82%), with a normal self-reported health status (55%), who only seek health clinics to purchase medicines (58%) were found in the profile. Discussion: The data showed the need to adopt actions to promote healthy aging based on comprehensive care. Conclusion: the inference of the results obtained for the elderly population of the studied municipality promotes the realization of the reception of elderly users based on the real needs of this population, with focus on nursing in Primary Health Care in similar, needier contexts, of the Amazon region.References
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