The objective was to analyze the knowledge produced in the nursing about arterial hypertension in the period of 1995 to 2005. The bibliographical study related articles of the Brazilian nursing, of international circulation, with the words "hypertension" or "arterial hypertension" as describers, present in the Specialized Bibliographical Database in the Nursing Area of Brazil (SBDNAB). Were identified 38 articles, being 12 (31,5%) in the Magazine of the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo and 9 (23,7%) in the Latin-American School of Nursing. Were prioritized environments of primary attention, carried out, especially, in São Paulo. From the total, 27 studies (71.0%) did not have theoretical references. There was a predominance of doctors authors and productions of qualitative nature 18 (47,3%). The subjects concerned, on its major part, about multi-professional approach 10 (26,3%) and handling with medicines 7 (18,4%). We consider fundamental the continuity of works approaching that theme, therefore there is need of catalyze and to improve the researches in nursing, being important the identification of gaps in the existing knowledge. Keywords: research; nursing; hypertension
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