Aim: to identify, analyze and classify the metodologies used by preceptors in the teaching-learning process of multiprofissional residents. Method: a descriptive-exploratory study that will involve the preceptors of multirpofissional residency in health of a maternity school of Natal, RN, Brazil. The data collection will be carried out from September 2016 to February 2017, through a technique of free association of words, using the following inducing stimuli: methodology, traditional methodology and active methodology, and by focus group from a guiding question. The lexicographic analisis carried out by the EVOC (Ensemble de Programmes Permettant L’A nalyse des E vocations) software and by the content analysis proposed by B ardin will be used. The validations of categories will be carried out by three external judges and supported in the relevant literature. Expected results: provide subsidies for elaborating improvement strategies for teaching-learning between preceptors and students.References
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