Relationship between alcohol consumption and violence between intimate partners: a sectional study
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Physical Violence
Acute Physical Violence
Alcohol Drinking
Basic Care Violencia Física
Violencia Física Grave
Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas
Atención Básica Violência Física
Violência Física Grave
Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas
Atenção Básica

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Aim:  to  analyze  the  correspondence  between  the  consumption  of alcohol and the co-occurrence of violent episodes between intimate partners in a sample composed  by  the  users  of  the  Family  Health  Strategy  program  from the  city  of  Nova Iguaçu,  Brazil.  Methods:  researchers  performed  a  sectional  study  from  a  sample composed  by  476  women,  ages  varying  from  25  to  64  years  old, and  with  intimate partners for at least one year. The instruments used were validated and transculturally adapted    for    Brazilian    use.    Results:   it   was    observed    statistically significant correspondence  between  the  use  of  alcohol  by  the  woman,  and  the  co-occurrence  of intimate violence (OR:4.2), including the psychological (OR:4.6), physical (OR:2.7), and sexual (OR:2.2) formats. Conclusion: the results call attention to a possible relationship between   alcohol   consumption   and   violence   between   intimate   partners.   Practical implications:  the  systematized  tracking  of  alcohol  consumption  can  be  used  as  an important marker when there are suspicious evidences in abuse cases under family care practice, thus amplifying the possibilities of intervention of Family Health teams.
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