Aim: to evaluate the intensity of the client’s pain with autoimmune bullous dermatoses, before and after the protocol of nursing care is applied to a client with autoimmune bullous dermatoses. Method: the data were treated using fuzzy logic. Results: when associating the implementation of the protocol with pain reduction in the 14 study subjects the following stand out: in T0, seven subjects presented high levels of pain, with a pertinence of 1.0; in T1, 24 hours after intervention, eight presented a low level of pain, with pertinences ranging from 1.0 and 0.75, and only one with high level of pain; in T2, only one remained with a high level of pain. Discussion: the use of analgesics prior to application of the protocol demonstrates that change in pain intensity was not influenced by use of medication, but rather by the implemented care. Conclusion: based on the classifications of fuzzy logic, there was a significant reduction of pain levels, especially in the first 24 hours.References
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