The use of robots in nursing care practices: an exploratory-descriptive study
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Robótica em Enfermagem Tecnologia
Robótica en enfermería Technology
Robotics in Nursing

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Aim: To investigate patents related to the invention of robots for use in nursing care. Method: An exploratory, descriptive study with a quantitative approach into the INPI, LATIPAT, Espacenet, USPTO, FPO, CIPO, JPO and WIPO databases, with no restrictions  regarding  the  publication  year  of  patents.  Results:  35  patents   were identified: 40% related to the creation of robots to aid in the mobility of patients; 28.5% regarding the development of robots to aid daily activities; 23% about robots created for physiological  assessment  and  monitoring  of  patients;   and  8.5%  regarding  those designed to participate in the process of patients’ rehabilitation. Conclusion: the patents related to the invention of robots for use in nursing care are, mostly, suited to the needs of elderly or disabled people. Also, the world regions more focused on the development of robotics in the field of health care are Asia, Europe and North America.
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