Aim: to evaluate the process of sedation and analgesia in patients undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Method: cross-sectional, observational study conducted from September 2014 to February 2015 in the ICU of a teaching institution in Goiânia/GO. The sample consisted of 30 patients over 18 years old, intubated and sedated for more than 24 hours (protocol no. 763.827/2014). Results: continuous and intermittent sedation, and analgesia were used, with fentanyl and midazolam hydrochloride commonly used drugs. Discussion: the standard treatment for critically ill patients and submitted to IMV was continuous sedation administered due to anxiety in order to facilitate the nursing staff care. The main indication for sedation was the maintenance of IMV. Conclusion: lack standardization of approaches in the management of sedation. It is recommended to develop protocols with multidisciplinary effortReferences
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