Quality indicator of caring related to the buttonhole technique: and exploratory study
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Técnica da Botoeira
Indicador de Qualidade do Cuidado
Terapia Hemodialítica
Assistência de Enfermagem Técnica del Ojal
Indicador de Calidad del Cuidado
Terapia Hemodialítica
Asistencia de Enfermería Bottonhole Technique
Quality fo Care Indicator
Hemodyalisys Therapy
Ropeladder Technique
Nursing Assistance

PlumX Metrics


This is a project of dissertation of the Academic Master’s Program in Health Care Sciences of Fluminense Federal University. General aim: To discuss the buttonhole technique as an indicator of the quality of health care service offered to patients in hemodialysis therapy in a private clinic setting, which the clientele coming from the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS, in Portuguese). Specific aims: To describe the buttonhole technique offered to the patients under hemodialysis therapy; to identify the results of this practice over the last three years, comparing the outcomes against the rope ladder technique. Method: This is an exploratory, documentary and descriptive study, which has adopted a quantitative-qualitative approach, which explores the use of the buttonhole technique, looking for the results directly from the clients. The data was collected between January and April 2014. The results from 64 patients were compared, based on a questionnaire to indicate the quality of the nursing assistance provided. The information was analyzed through the use of inferential statistics.

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