Vancomycin administration in an universitary hospital at general surgical units inpatients
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Anti-Bacterial Agents
Medication Erros
Nuese’s Role
Adverse Effects. Antibacterianos
Erros de Medicação
Papel do Profissional de Enfermagem
Efeitos Adversos. Antibióticos
Papel do Enfermeiro
Erros de Medicamentos
Eventos Adversos.

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To prepare and to administrate antibiotics are nursing responsibilities. Incorret use of antibiotics, like Vancomycin, very restrict drug, may influence the development of resistant bacterias.Published papers about antibiotics, focusing nursing roll are rare. Objective: to study vancomycin nursing administration by nurses. Methods: prospective observational study, in a universitary hospital, from 2001 december to 2002 april. Results:47 procedures were done by 18 professionals. Almost one kind of errors occurred in 40 (85%) of all observed infusions. They were mainly related to concentration and time of infusion in 34 (72%) infusions, residual dosis remaining in the infusion set were 27(54%) and others. There was no time of experience association and specific training with errors (p>0,01).Suggestions are made for approaches, study areas for future research are considered, and priority investigations are identified.
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