RIO DE JANEIRO – BRAZIL – July , 2005 –The X Intensive Care Congress First Prize was won by Simone Pereira Machado, graduate student in Professional Master
in Nursing Program/Fluminense Federal University, who lead the research related to the use of risk scales for pressure ulcers (Utilização de escalas de risco para
úlcera de pressão – relato de experiência de treinamento de enfermeiros) along with her advisors: Dra. Selma Castilho and Dra. Beatriz Guitton. The award was presented on July 29th during the 2005 Intensive Care Society of Rio de Janeiro Conference. Simone Pereira Machado's research was astounding because it question the validity of Braden and Cubbin and Jackson scales to prevent pressure ulcers for patients at the ICU. This is important because this kind of research often provides the basis for the development of new, knowledge-based nursing care and high-standards professional patterns.This award is so important for us because it confirms that high-quality scientific research for professional problems goes hand in hand with high-quality university education.This research is supported by the Hospital de Clínicas de Niterói (HCN).

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