Aim: To compare the direct costs of treatment of venous ulcers involving the use of carboxymethylcellulose gel in domiciliary and outpatient environments. Method: This is a descriptive study, in which 96 consultations were performed in the Wound Healing Clinic of a university hospital between April and December 2013. Cost categories were identified, monetary values were defined and calculations were based on the consumption of materials used in the clinic and later released to the patients' homes. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the hospital under the number 196/08. Results: After 84 days of follow-up, outpatient treatment costs were higher than the home care costs, and the main reason for this difference was nursing manpower. Conclusion: It is necessary to define strategies for conducting effective nursing consultations and these strategies should include guidelines for home care and the dispensing of the material for patients.References
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