Physical fitness and quality of life of the elderly: a transversal study
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Physical Education
Health Sciences
Quality of Life Educación Física
Ciencia de la Salud
Calidad de Vida Educação Física
Ciência da Saúde
Qualidade de Vida

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Aim: To evaluate the association between the quality of life and performance in physical fitness tests. Method: This is a study adopting a quantitative and transversal approach, with a group of elderly residents living in the Souza Soares and Beltrão slum communities. Results: The results demonstrate a general profile of elderly individuals who do not show any motor fragility, and a classification near to regular in terms of their quality of life index. To find this score, a WOOQOL-Bref questionnaire was used, together with the following tests: functional range; reaching the feet while seated, standing up and walking; standing up from a chair in 30 seconds. To analyze the data obtained, this research used the Saphiro-Wilk normality test, and the Spearman correlation test. For all the tests, the level of significance was established as α ≤ 0.05. Conclusion: There is no correlation between quality of life and physical fitness with regard to the studied population.
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