The caring in face of the finiteness in the hospital institutions: a descriptive study
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Cuidado em Saúde
Processo de Trabalho na Saúde
Acontecimento Cuidado en Salud
Proceso de trabajo en la Salud
Acontecimiento Health Care
Work Process in Health

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Issue: The death, although present in the health services, is considered a forbidden death, exiled, boxed and treated as failure, with few attempts and offers of care and preparation for the one who is going to die, for the family, for the professionals and caretakers. General aim: to analyze the death process as an object of daily care and hospital practice, considering death as an event. Method: the study will focus on the significance of the phenomenon, from a group of techniques; will be oriented by a quality approach, and able to answer to the theoretical and practical challenges raised by the investigation. A field journal and interviews will be used as instruments of data gathering. The subjects of the study will be oncology-hematology patients at University Hospital Antonio Pedro, Niteroi, state of Rio de Janeiro. The material will be analyzed from the sense modules with the analysis of content, according to Bardin.
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Sabatke CE, Montezeli JH, Venturi KK, Ferreira APA. Experience the death of victims of trauma in ready-salvage descriptive study. Online braz j nurs [Internet]. 2012 April [Cited 2013 Sept 18]; 11 (1):. Available from: doi:

Minayo MCS.(org.). Pesquisa Social: Teoria, método e criatividade. Petrópolis: Ed.Vozes 29ªedição, 2010. 108p