Aims: identify the conditions under which hospitalized adolescents suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases are resilient and; identify the major protective factors which provide resilience to disease in adolescents. Method: this is an exploratory, cross-sectional study, in which a quantitative approach was employed. Scenario/Institution: Pedro Ernesto University Hospital. Target subjects: Adolescents, aged 10 to 19 years, hospitalized, suffering from chronic illnesses. The WHOQOL–Bref test was used as a data collection tool; SAS 9.1.3 statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: factors within the psychological domain and 'overall' were more significant. Furthermore, the most frequently identified protective factors were ones based on individuals themselves, as well as factors related to support and the patient’s environment. Conclusion: life experiences and the ways in which teenagers see the world strongly influences the way they face adversity. Thus, it is essential for healthcare professionals, to be sensitive to and prepared for.
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