The venous access if presents as a challenge for the nursing, therefore the infusion of liquids and medicines takes a great space in the therapeutically process of implementation of the behaviors. Thus it disquieted me to visualize the behavior of pain in result of puncture of repetition, therefore, if on the other hand, the venous puncture and the infusion of specific liquids were imperious; for another one, pain at the moment of the puncture and the iatrogenias caused discomforts and alterations. One becomes thus necessary to the use, in our pediatrics units, of a device to intravascular that it is capable to diminish the risks and fears and to increase the benefits of the given assistance, as for example, the Central Catheter of Insert Peripheric (CCIP).Know that he has a circumstantial increase of the possibility of individual in contracting infections when the same it receives a procedure, either it of matrix invasive I diagnosis or therapeutically. I traced as objective: To identify to the advantages and disadvantages of the CCIP front to Dispositive Intravascular Peripheric (DIP); To compare the behavior of the hospital bacteria, saw hematogênica, in children with CCIP and DIP; e To argue the relation cost-I benefit of the CCIP front to the DIP. In such a way one is about an almost experimental research. The chosen scene will be the Pediatrics Infirmary of a University Hospital. To carry through the collection of data I will use a daily one of field in which I will evaluate the venous access daily. Finished the analysis statistics given them and made the had conclusions of the research I will return to the scene of the study to show the reached results and to implement the pertinent and inherent actions.
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