Aim: To observe the understanding of the elderly and their relatives regarding sexuality and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Method: This is a descriptive study, using a focus group, interviews and content analysis. Thirty-three seniors citizens were the focus of the research, divided into six groups, together with nine relatives who were also interviewed; all were patients of a Primary Health Care unit located in the city of Uberaba, Brazil. Results: Thirteen categories emerged, which were divided into five groups: male senior citizens, female senior citizens, a mixed group of men and women, and relatives. Discussion: From the main categories identified in the research, it was observed that there is a reduced awareness about AIDS and the association of the disease to death; lack of information and protection during sexual intercourse. Relatives valorize the sexuality of older people and are not aware of public, nation-wide educational campaigns aimed at this age group. Conclusion: There is a lack of understanding about AIDS and its association with death among the elderly, and their sexuality, from the point-of-view of the relatives.
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