Gestational attention during early prenatal care: an epidemiological study
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Program for Humanization of Prenatal and Birth
Laboratory Exams
Obstetric Exams
Clinical Exams Gestación
Programa de Humanización del Prenatal y Nacimiento
Exámenes Laboratoriales
Exámenes Obstétricos
Exámenes Clínicos Gestação
Programa de Humanização do Pré-natal e Nascimento
Exames Laboratoriais
Exames Obstétricos
Exames Clínicos

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Aim: To test the association between early prenatal care and the performance of the procedures recommended by the Program for the Humanization of Prenatal and Birth and the characteristics of mothers and newborns. Method: This was an epidemiological study, involving 227 pregnant women hospitalized in a maternity hospital located in Ponta Grossa, PR. Results: The demographic and obstetric characteristics of pregnant women and newborns were not associated with the beginning of prenatal care. However, the verification of weight, blood pressure, prescription of folic acid and ferrous sulphate as well as the realization of biochemical tests were associated with the beginning of an adequate prenatal care. Discussion: Essential procedures are performed inappropriately during consultations, even those considered simple, bringing greater risk to pregnant women and the newborn. Conclusion: The development of public policies related to the quality of prenatal care does not happen in the recommended manner, making clear the importance of nurses in this context.
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