Reproductive risks and comprehensive care of pregnant women with hypertensive syndromes: a transversal study
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Comprehensive health care
High-Risk Asistencia integral a la salud
Embarazo de alto riesgo Assistência integral à saúde
Gravidez de alto risco

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Aims: To analyze the socio-demographic and reproductive risk profiles of pregnant women with a history of hypertensive syndromes, as well as their clinical and obstetric conditions and the characteristics of the care given during prenatal, labor and post-labor care in maternity hospitals caring for women at high risk. Method: transversal and quantitative study using the medical records of 164 pregnant women. Results: The predominance of adult and black women, with low education levels, low income, multiple pregnancies and multiple reproductive risk factors. Insufficient prenatal clinical and nutritional care, the presence of hypertension at the moment of the labor and little attention given to reproductive planning during post-labor period have been were also observed. Discussion: The care given at the maternity hospital is insufficient to meet the health needs of the women, which indicates fragmentation and discontinuity. Most of the women’s situations were characterized by a combination of individual, social and programmatic vulnerability factors. Conclusion: Meeting the reproductive health needs of these women demands comprehensiveness, coordination and continuity of health care; professional capacity to handle the risks; transformation of vulnerability situations.
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