Experiences of pregnant women in a group : a descriptive study
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Pregnant women group
Experiences of women
Birth and Maternity Grupo de mujeres embarazadas
Experiencias de mujeres
Parto y maternidad Grupo de gestantes
Experiências de mulheres
Parto e Maternidade

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Aim: To understand the experiences of pregnant women in a group and the role of the group in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Method: This was an exploratory descriptive study in which a qualitative approach was used. The instruments for data collection were interviews and observation. Five women participated in the study. Results: The thematic content analysis allowed the identification of five categories related to the significance of participation in the group: the importance of the group for pregnant and postpartum women; the group as a place for learning; bonds and exchanges; the role of the group in the delivery process; the role of the group in the motherhood experience. Discussion: Participation in the group proved to be important in the birth process. The group was seen as an opportunity for exchange, and proved to be a facilitator in the formation of bonds. Conclusion: The practice of pregnant women participating in a group should be encouraged and implemented in prenatal care.
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