Aim: To assess the understanding of technical education level professionals who work in Primary Health Care units regarding sickle cell disease in children.Method: This is a descriptive and transversal study, involving 357 health community agents and nursing technicians who responded to a structured questionnaire. The performance was tested in terms of the average score for every stage of the questionnaire.Results: The average score was below 65% in all stages, with critical results in the stages “clinical manifestations” and “management of children with sickle cell disease”. There was a statistical association between the best performance and the following variables: role in the team (OR=5.92; IC95%=1.90-20.49) and the level of interaction with the sickness (OR=1.71; IC95%=1.09-2.69).Discussion: The professionals must be able to assist children with sickle cell disease. Conclusion: The lack of information on the part of the professionals that care for and handle children with sickle cell disease, indicates the need to develop these professionals in such a way as to improve the quality of the service provided.
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