Descriptive Study of Risk Factors in Arterial Hypertension among Victims of Stroke
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Risk Factors
Nursing. Hipertensão
Fatores de risco
Enfermagem Hipertensión
Factores de Riesgo

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Objective: Verification of the presence of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors to Arterial System Hypertension (ASH) in patients who had suffered Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). Method: Descriptive study, quantitative performed in a SAH Unit of a hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil. 75 patients diagnosed with SAH and attacked by CVA, hospitalized in this same unit, composed the sample. The data was collected through interviews with the patients, then exposed in frequency datasheets. Study approved by the Ethics Committee. Results and discussion: Non-modifiable factors: male (61,4%), age above 60 years old (48%), family background of cardiovascular diseases (68%) and white-skinned (64%). Modifiable factors: unhealthy diet (64%), sedentary lifestyle (92%), smoking (20%), regular consumption of alcoholic beverages (21,3%), and inadequate use of medication (41,3%). Conclusion: CVA victims have modifiable factors related to ASH, forcing the nursing professionals to develop strategies to the population that carries ASH to the reduction of these factors and prevention of cardiovascular implications.
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