Treated as a study desenvolved with the objective of understanding the power relations in the heterosexual couple from the male perspective including his relation with the prevention of aids. Therefore ten men with heterosexual orientation, that have sexual-afective relations lasting, legally constituited or not- in co – habitation with a companion and whom at least has the same level of instruction, took part in the study. The proposition of Foucault about power relations and the constitution of the subjectivity form the bases of philosophical theory that support the qualitative study, which uses convergent-assistential-research-CAR- as a methodological reference.The datas were collected through group discussions, desenvolved between six meetings , in which diverse theme relacioned with sexuality and STD/aids were treated .The groups meetings initiate the health education that propel the convergence between the research and the preconcide assistant by CAR. Apart from this meetings datas were collected during two individual interviews realized in each one of the men which guide include themes related with living as a couple and the afective-sexual life of the man and the couple. The analysis of the data was done in accordance with the collective speech person-CSP, which profer organisation of speech from greater themes, that emerges group discussions and told individually in which they maintain strong connections with the question and with objectives of the study. This themes include what it is to be a man, the afective-sexual life of the couple, and the use of protection, and in each one of them, a CSP was organized aroud the different central ideas, in wich they complement one another. The discussion of CSP related to this theme facilitate the better understanding of problems in study and shows the evidence of the existence of different dynamics the circulation of power in the relations of the couple, in which has direct implications in the health education work for prevention of the STD/aids. The comprehension of this dynamics subsidize the proposition of a theorical reference in the use of health education – focal of nursing caring – for the prevention of STD/aids. In these reference, articulation of the idea of health promotions, health education, dialogue, heterosexual couple, health and taking care of yourself, the prepast relations thr power that it dissimulate as a social body.
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