2006 - Professional Master in Nursing will select new graduate students

Seleção para o Mestrado Profissional Enfermagem Assistencial - Março 2006




The Professional Master in Nursing at Fluminense Federal University (RJ) - Brazil was approved by CAPES and will open a new class in March 2006.

The role of nurse with Master Degree represents an challenge career opportunity for professional nurses. This Program was designed for experienced nurses who is seeking preparation for advanced practice as a clinical specialist, educator, researcher, or administrator. It includes course work and clinical experience in advanced health care, as well as research, nursing theories, culture, and clinical decision making. In addition to course work, nurses are required to publish an original article and to produce a dissertation. The Professional Master in Nursing encompass a 2 year program of study with specialized clinical experiences. Upon graduation, the nurse will have a base of knowledge in a specific area of nursing care; and can participate knowledgeably in research activity and application. Advanced clinical education and experience based on scientific evidences have been identified as requirements for practice as a nurse with Professional Master Degree.

The Professional Master in Nursing at the Fluminense Federal University will offer a unique advanced practice opportunity for nurses to develop their nursing careers and for healthcare institutions and nursing faculties to improve the quality of their services.The Professional Master in Nursing at the Fluminense Federal University will be offered in March 2006. Do not miss the deadlines! More information at www.uff.br/eeaac/mpea.htm

Since April 2004, the OBJN is owned by Professional Master in Nursing Program, School of Nursing, Fluminense Federal University, RJ, Brazil.
O Mestrado Profissional Enfermagem Assistencial fará seleção em março de 2006. Veja o edital no site: www.uff.br/eeaac/mpea.htm