Evaluation of fragility and nursing interventions in the case of the elderly: a transversal study


Introduction: Fragility is a multidimensional syndrome that involves biological, psychological and social factors. The risk to fragility in the elderly is associated with the state of vulnerability of these people leading to the development of incapacitating conditions, loss of autonomy, and functional dependency. Aims: To evaluate and ascertain the nursing interventions for the elderly at risk of fragility; to identify the level of such patients by using Edmonton’s Frail Scale; to verify the association of the domains described in the Scale with the levels of fragility; to indicate the nursing interventions for the elderly at risk of fragility according to the Protocol of Interventions.  Method: This is a transversal study, which adopts a quantitative approach. Expected results: The indication of nursing interventions for the elderly at risk of fragility. Implications to health: This present study will be a positive addition to gerontology clinical practice, in terms of avoiding or reducing the effect of fragility.

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