Representations of violence against women and its relationship to their quality of life
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Violence against Women
Domestic Violence
Quality of Life
Family Nursing Violencia contra la Mujer
Enfermeria de la Familia
Calidad de Vida
Violencia Domestica Violência contra a Mulher
Violência Doméstica
Qualidade de Vida
Enfermagem Familiar

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Aim: to understand the social representations of violence on women. Method: This is a qualitative case study based on the theory of Social Representations A hundred women were interviewed and data were obtained using the technique of free recall across the inductor violence against women. Results: The results showed the structure of social representations centered on elements such as aggression and disrespect which are complementary to lack of preparation of the aggressor to life, abuse, crime, discrimination, resentment, power and suffering. Discussion: Data analysis showed that violence affects women from their physical form to the most subtle causing them sorrow, fear, insecurity and anger. Conclusion: It was concluded that violence affects women´s life quality and it was advised the need of developing strategies for coping with the phenomenon considering the uniqueness and complexity of each situation experienced.
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