Motherly challenges when facing neonatal phototherapy treatment: a descriptive study


Aim: To expose the challenges faced by mothers of newborn babies who  are  submitted  to  phototherapy  treatment  in  a  rooming-in setting.  Methods:  A descriptive  study,  using  a  qualitative  approach,  conducted  by  interviewing  10  mothers whose babies experienced neonatal phototherapy while rooming-in between the months of June and October of 2014 in a public health institution in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Bardin’s Content Analysis was used for analysis. Results: Three analytical categories emerged: Mothers’ feelings  and  reactions towards  phototherapy treatment; The  lack  ofknowledge when facing a new reality and The healthcare team as a support network for the mothers. Discussion: Despite the simplicity of phototherapy treatment, it makes the mothers  feel  negative  emotions  such  as  anguish,  sadness  and  guilt.  Conclusion:  The nursing staff must be prepared to hear and guide the mothers throughout phototherapy, taking   into   consideration   that   it   is   a   negative   experience   during   the   newborn hospitalization.
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