Feelings of women with human papilloma virus regarding their infection: an exploratory study
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Women's Health
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Collective Subject Discourse Salud de la mujer
Enfermedad se Bendre 6 en Janiencia
Discrso del Sujeito Colectivo Saúde da Mulher
Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis
Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo

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Aim: to understand the feelings of women infected with the human papilloma  virus  (HPV)  regarding  this  sexually  transmitted  disease.  Method:  this  is  an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, performed with 14 women who are users of  a  specialized  care  service  in  the  municipality  of  Juazeiro  do  Norte,  in  the  Brazilian state  of  Ceará,  in  the  Northeast  of  Brazil,  between  March  and  June  2012,  using  the Collective  Subject  Discourse  technique.  Results:  it  was  observed that there  were some misconceptions  regarding  HPV,  unfamiliarity  with  the  fact the  therapies  used  do  not eliminate the virus, feelings linked to negative characteristics of the diagnosis, and self-protecting and children-protecting attitudes. Conclusion: the perceptions described tend to  harm  the  empowerment  process  of  these  women  to  deal  with  the  illness  with  more confidence.  Gaps  were  found  in  health  education.  The  discussion about  the  topic  must continue,  with  directed  information  regarding  living  with  HPV  in  a  singular  approach, respecting the individuality of each woman, providing more humane and effective care.
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