Sociodemographic and clinical profile of cancer patients who sought emergency care at a general public hospital: a descriptive study


Objectives: To discover the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of oncology patients attended in emergency care units; identify the symptoms present in the last 24 hours; evaluate the correlation between the sociodemographic and clinical data with the symptoms presented. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, carried out in an emergency care unit of a pubic general hospital in the municipality of São Paulo. Results:  nonprobabilistic sample with 44 patients. The most prevalent cancers are geniturinary (15.9%) and hematological (15.9%). The most common signs and symptoms were: pain with an average of 6.6 (0-10; SD = 3.9) and altered appetite 6.6 (0-10; SD = 3.8). As for the intensity of symptoms, the item “concern” was prevalent with a mean of 7.1 (0-10; SD = 3.6). Regarding the symptom's ability to interfere with life, the most prevalent item was “activities in general” with an average of 9.1 (0-10; SD = 2.2). Conclusion: sociodemographic and economic characteristics correlated with clinical characteristics.
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