Indicators for the assessment of the quality of nursing care: a descriptive-exploratory study


Aim:  to  identify  the  main  indicators  for  assessing  the  quality  of nursing  care  from  the  perspective  of  nurses.  Method:  this  is  a  descriptive-exploratory study involving a qualitative approach, with 14 nurses from the medical clinic units of a university  hospital  in  Rio  de  Janeiro.  The  data  were  collected  by  semi-structured interview and treated by descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results: according to nurses' reports, the three priority indicators were: incidence of pressure injury, incidence of fall, and incidence of phlebitis. Conclusion: The evaluation of the risk factors that may trigger  pressure  injury,  fall  and  phlebitis  are  within  the  scope  of  the  nurse,  who  can develop  preventive  strategies  that  are  based  on  nursing  protocols  such  as  change  of position, evaluation and change of vascular access devices
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