Cellularity of the umbilical cord blood of hypertensive pregnant women: a case control study
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Umbilical cord blood
Placental blood
Pregnant women
Hypertension. Sangre umbilical
Sangre placentaria
Hipertensión. Sangue umbilical
Sangue placentário

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Aim: To analyze the relationship between the cellularity of placental and umbilical cord blood of hypertensive and non-hypertensive pregnant women. Method: This is a case-control study that used a quantitative approach. The sample consists of 73 pregnant women and it was conducted from March to September 2011. The data are part of the study approved by the Research Ethics Committee under protocol number 126/10. Results: It was found that 80% of the Umbilical Cord and placental blood bags collected from pregnant women with hypertension presented cellularity ≥5 x 108. This is the appropriate amount in relation to the totality of nucleated cells, given the criteria established by Resolution 56. Conclusion: The results contributed to the identification of factors that make it possible to obtain an adequate number of hematopoietic stem cells, resulting in the increased number of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Brazil.
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