Object The objective is to identify the care of nursing team to children before the peripheral venous puncture and describe the feelings of the child punctured by nursing professionals. Method Exploratory-descriptive study carried out with 59 children, through a form, between October 2010 and January 2011 in a pediatric hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil. Results Fear and pain were the most reported feelings of children when they were punctured (69.4%) by the nursing team. Conclusion It was concluded that fear is still a very clear feeling among the infant clientele, thus demonstrating the need for greater attention in preparing children for venous puncture. Therefore, it shows the importance of further discussions, training and awareness of the nursing team that works in pediatrics on the care for children with peripheral venous puncture.
Descriptors: Child Health Services, Nursing Care, Punctures, Nursing.
Received: 08/12/2011
Approved: 03/13/2012
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