Functional autonomy of physically active and sedentary elderly women: comparative causal study
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Motor Activity
Sedentary Lifestyle. Anciano
Actividad Física
Sedentarismo. Idoso
Atividade Física

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Introduction: Functional autonomy is considered an important marker of physical fitness, quality of life and health of the elderly. Objective: To compare the functional autonomy among physically active women and sedentary ones. Methodology: Comparative causal study with sample composed of 276 volunteers: Physically Active Group (PAG, n = 201) and Sedentary Group (GS, n = 75), which respectively were subdivided in two subgroups according to age. The instrument used for functional assessment was the Senior Fitness Test. The comparison of inter-subgroups functional autonomy was performed by the U test of Mann-Whitney with significance level of (p <0.05) through the program BioEstat 5.0. Results: Significant differences between functional autonomy of subgroups of PAG on their respective SG in all tests. Conclusions: The practice of regular physical activity has led physically active elderly women to have a better condition than sedentary ones.
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