Hepatitis B vaccine coverage and serological situation among undergraduate medical students exposed to biological material: quantitative analysis
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Hepatitis B is preventable through immunization and has a higher risk of transmission after a percutaneous accident when compared to hepatitis C and HIV. This study determines the vaccine coverage and hepatitis B serological situation among students of an undergraduate medical program. This is an epidemiological study with quantitative approach. A structured data collection instrument was used. Descriptive analysis and prevalence were computed. The prevalence of accidents involving biological material was 37.2%: 88.6% of the injured students reported they had completed the Hepatitis B vaccine scheme and only 47.5% were submitted to the corresponded serology.  The probability of accidents with biological material among undergraduates and insufficient vaccine coverage reinforces the importance of providing guidance on immunization and evaluation of seroconversion for Hepatitis B since exposure to it is a risk factor associated with occupational transmission of Hepatitis B.

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