Nursing care management of clients in intensive care: content analysis
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Intensive Care
Care Management
Direct Care
Indirect Care
Bureaucratic Actions. Enfermería
Vigilancia Intensiva
Cuidado de la Gestión
Atención Directa
Atención Indirecta
Las Acciones Burocráticas. Enfermagem
Terapia Intensiva
Gerência do cuidado
Cuidado Direto
Cuidado Indireto
Ações Burocráticas.

PlumX Metrics


Aims: To identify the management process of the nurse in directly caring for the hospitalized client in an intensive care unit; to characterize how the work process of the intensive care nurse guides the caring provided to the client and; to discuss the management process of direct care of the work performed by the intensive care nurse. Method: This is a descriptive study based on a qualitative approach, undertaken with 16 nurses. To collect the information, we used a semi-structured interview, non-participative observation and a field journal. The results were later categorized and submitted to content analysis based on Bardin’s principles.Results: The nurse has two guiding axes to his actions: the mind map and the real map. The designs done on the mind map start from a single point, with the information radiating from this central point. However, when implementing management processes that were planned mentally, nurses generate a real map based on which they know how to perform.Conclusion: In caring management, the nurse sees himself connected with the client, even though the professional does not get involved with direct care tasks.
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