Isabel Cruz, RN, PhD. OBJN Editor

picture by Paulinho Ganaê

The 2010 International Year of the Nurse (IYNurse) - OBJN celebrates!
2010 Ano Internacional da Enfermeira - OBJN celebra!

Isabel CF da Cruz*

* Editora do Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing; UFF, RJ, Brazil.

Abstract:  OBJN  purposes is  to involve the world's nurses in a celebration of the centennial year of the death of the founder of modern nursing:Florence Nightingale.

Keywords: research; journalism; nursing; Florence Nightingale

Resumo:  O propósito do OBJN é envolver as enfermeiras em todo o mundo na celebração dos 100 anos de falecimento da fundadora da enfermagem moderna: Florence Nightingale.

Palavras-chave:  pesquisa; jornalismo; enfermagem; Florence Nightingale


2010 is the centennial year of the death of the founder of modern nursing — Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) which was also statistic.

Florence Nightingale has a role in the history of statistics and statistical graphics. As a social activist, she observed that statistical data, presented in charts and diagrams, could be used as powerful arguments for medical reform. Florence Nightingale innovated in graphical display of descriptive statistics because she is often credited as the inventor of the polar-area diagram.

2010 as the International Year of the Nurse was established to actively involve the world's nurses in a celebration of commitment to bringing health to their communities, locally and worldwide.

To celebrate this historic milestone, and the innovative spirit of Florence that inspires the OBJN[1] [2] [3], the journal will offer to nursing authors and readers a gift:

- immediate publications of the final versions.

An online scientific journal, as the OBJN, can adopt a continuous flow for publishing rather than discrete volumes or numbers. Today, OBJN completes 9 years. It is a good day to “shift from publication as product to publication as process”.

Now, accepted manuscripts  will be published online as soon as they are accepted (not so soon, approximately 10 days!).

So, they are open access, freely available to anyone. The immediate publications are integrated into the online Journal to allow searching on authors, title, keywords, abstracts, and full-text ensuring global access to the latest research. The manuscripts are citable using their definitive reference which is given upon acceptance of the article.

The meta-data in the article is also sent to databases (DOAJ, CINAHL, etc) as soon as it is accepted, thus giving the article immediate visibility and indexation.

OBJN seeks for more research accessibility hence an article is accessible to all would-be users web-wide, it increases twice higher its research impact (usage and citations).

Happy 2010 International Year of the Nurse!


[1] Cruz I. OBJN and online video-publication Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing [serial on the Internet]. 2007 November 18; [Cited 2010 April 4]; 6(3):[about ## p.]. Available from:

[2 Cruz I. Nursing science training for undergraduates Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing [serial on the Internet]. 2008 January 23; [Cited 2010 April 4]; 7(0):[about ## p.]. Available from:

[3] Cruz I. To be SEER 1.0 or not to be SEER 2.0? That is one of a few questions Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing [serial on the Internet]. 2007 April 21; [Cited 2010 April 4]; 6(1):[about ## p.]. Available from:




Ogum protects the roads and the internet is a virtual road. Ogum is also the god of technology.
He used the iron to create the instruments that help people to work for a better life and to build a better world. He is with us since the beginning.I pray to him to be with us always.


Imagem: Bianca Earp