Isabel Cruz, RN, PhD. OBJN Editor

picture by Paulinho Ganaê


Poverty, Health Iniquities, and Human Development are Global Issues

 Isabel C.F. da Cruz, RN, PhD*

*Fluminense Federal University, RJ, Brazil.

Abstract:  The Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing joinned this international collaboration with journals from developed and developing countries to raise awareness in Brazilian nurses about the health iniquities and poverty and to point out the necessity of developing research to bring solutions, wellbeing, and health for all regardless, race/colour, age, gender, etc. So, Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing created a new section: Poverty, Health Iniquities, and Human Development to point ou these issues.

Keywords: poverty; racism; sexism; health iniquities

Resumo: O Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing integrou a força tarefa internacional dos periódicos científicos no sentido de incentivar as(os) enfermeiras(os) brasileiras(os) a publicarem suas pesquisas sobre as iniquidades em saúde e pobreza, assim como sobre as estratégias para sua superação em busca de bem-estar, saúde para todos e todas, independente de raça/cor, sexo, idade, etc. Assim, o Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing criou uma nova seção a apartir deste número especial: Pobreza, Iniquidades em Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano para manter vigente a busca por soluções para este problemas tão enraizados na população brasileira, em especial.

Palavras-chave: pobreza; racismo; sexismo; iniquidades em saúde

The Council of Science Editors has organized a Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development to be published in October 2007. Two hundred, twenty-eigth scientific journals  throughout the world simultaneously published papers on these topics of humankind interest. The Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing went forward an included other important issue: iniquities. As Peter Tosh sang we won´t have peace without equal human rigths and justice

The Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing joinned this international collaboration with journals from developed and developing countries to raise awareness in Brazilian nurses about the health iniquities and poverty and to point out the necessity of developing research to bring solutions, wellbeing, and health for all regardless, race/colour, age, gender, etc.

A few researches attended the OBJN invitation. Unfortunatly, poverty and health iniquities do not end with the publication of this special number.

So, Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing created a new section: Poverty, Health Iniquities, and Human Development.  So, we keep the invitation to the nurses and other professionals to report and publish their experience and expertise to prevent poverty, iniquities and to promote the human development, health, wellness and hapyness also!!!!


Ogum protects the roads and the internet is a virtual road. Ogum is also the god of technology.
He used the iron to create the instruments that help people to work for a better life and to build a better world. He is with us since the beginning.I pray to him to be with us always. Ogunhê!
Imagem: Bianca Earp