The Meaning of the Care in Intensive Therapy and the (Dis)construction
of the Speech of humanization in Technological Units
Roberto Carlos Lyra da Silva/UNIRIO
Dra. Isaura Setenta Porto. UFRJ/EEAN
Silva, Roberto Carlos Lyra da. The Meaning of the Care in Intensive Therapy and the (Dis)construction
of the Speech of humanization in Technological Units. UFRJ/EEAN, 2006. Thesis
(Doctorate) in nursing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
The Object of the thesis deals
with the meaning of the care of nursing in intensive therapy. The hypothesis is
of that the use of technologies can corroborate for the agreement of the cares
of nursing in ITU, as (des)humans. The method is quanti-qualitative. For the production
of data, a questionnaire was applied. The sample was composed for 60
professionals of nursing, between nurses and technician of units of intensive
therapy of 04 hospitals of the
key words: humanization; tecnologies; care of nurse; intensive
Main Bibliography:
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Hiller E. Humanismo e Técnica. Tradução de Carlos Lopes de Mattos. São Paulo(SP): EPU; 1973.
Ministério da Saúde (BR). Programa Nacional de Humanização da Assistência Hospitalar. Manual Técnico. Brasília (DF); 2000.
Received Aug 30th, 2007
Accepted: 30th , 2007