Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing 2006 Thanks to Peer Reviewers and Authors

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing 2006 agradece aos revisores e autores

Profª Drª Isabel C.F. da Cruz*

*Editora do Online Braz j nurs. Coordenadora do Programa de Mestrado Profissional Enfermagem Assistencial, UFF, RJ, Brazil.

Abstract. The editor thanks the OBJN Reviewers and Authors for their competent service during the year 2006.

Keywords: peer-review, research; publishing; journalism

The editor would like to thank the following OBJN Reviewers for their competent service during the year 2006. Listed below are the professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to review the 484 manuscripts of their peers for this journal. During this year we exchange more than 2627 emails!


Revisores de 2006:

Adriana Fonseca

Alice Hirdes

Ana Cogo

Ana Marcia Cavalcanti

Angela Pierin

Anuska Alencar

Beatriz Guitton

Cláudia Aarestrup

Claudia Mara Tavares

Creso Lopes

Cristiane Silveira

Cristina Escudeiro

Dirce Guilhem

Edna Arcuri

Ednaldo Sraújo

Eglê Kohlrausch

Eliseth Leão

Fátima Espírito Santo

Francisca Macêdo de Sousa

Giselda Marques

Glauco Cardoso

Grazielli Silva

Helen Ferreira

Helena Vaghetti

Herbert Góes

Iraci dos Santos

Isabel Cruz

Jannaína Godinho

Jannaína Victor

Jaqueline Ferreira

João L A da Silva

Jose Antonio Abreu

Laura A Guido

Lêda Albuquerque

Lolita Dopico

Marcelo Medeiros

Marcia Barreto

Marcos V de O Lopes

Margareth Zancheta

Margarita Rubín Unicovsky

Maria Aparecida de Luca Nascimento

Maria do Socorro Rodrigues

Maria Henriqueta Kruse

Maria José Coelho

Maria Lacerda

Maria Lúcia Robazzi

Marilda Andrade

Mauro Leonardo

Mavilde Pedreira

Michele Thiébaut

Míriam Nóbrega

Monica Oriá

Norma V de S Dantas

Olívia Alvarado

Ramón Camaño-Puig

Regina L Lopes

Rúbia Lacerda

Sandra Leal

Sayonara de F Barbosa

Shirley Rangel

Silvana Santos

Sonia Mara Simões

Tamara Cianciarullo

Tathiana Martins

Tatiana Rocha

Thelma Araújo

Valmi Sousa

Vera Gomes

Vera Perissé

Vitor Manuel Rodrigues

Willian Machado

Online braz j nurs, as all peer-reviewed journals, cannot function and have success without the assistance of these professionals, who take the time from their busy lives to study a manuscript and write a review. Your expertise and voluntary work gave us conditions to share freely the nursing knowledge and to empower our profession!

The comments of the reviewers play an important role in our decision on whether to accept a paper and invariably make those we do accept better.  We hope that they will continue with the OBJN in 2007. We hope that you join this list next year!

We also extend our  thanks to the authors who submitted manuscripts for consideration in Online braz j nurs. We work hard to ensure that the evaluation of each manuscript was double-blind, on time, and objective.

The quality of the papers submitted to Online braz j nurs along with the rigorous nature and timeliness of the peer review process are reflected in our statistic page. The number of articles submitted continued to increase, while the overall time from manuscript receipt to publication has steadily decreased with our new Web-based system. Now, for 2007, we will continue to improve  the OBJN impact factor and the OBJN website to become more and more interactive!