Interdisciplinarity in the production and dissemination of knowledge in times of pandemic – a view of the current management of the EEAAC



Enéas Rangel Teixeira1, Simone Martins Rembold1


1 Federal Fluminense University




This paper aims to make a brief reflection on the production and dissemination of knowledge in nursing and health. Thus, the role of the EEAAC in the production of knowledge inherent to nursing and its interfaces in the context of the pandemic is highlighted. A production of knowledge integrated into the social context is recommended in view of the advances in science.  The OBJN has a primary role in the dissemination of scientific nursing knowledge and related areas.  The  current management aims to move forward so that the journal has significant impact and open access.

Descriptors: Knowledge; Education; Pandemics;  Nursing



It is with enthusiasm and optimism that we inaugurate the new management of the Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (OBJN), in a context in which the International Year of Nursing and the Bicentenary of Florence Nightingale is celebrated. At the same time, we are surprised by the Covid 19 pandemic, which leads us to modify the forms of social relations, education and teaching.

The Aurora de Afonso Costa Nursing School (EEAAC) of the Fluminense Federal University was opened during World War II, in 1944, with Professor Aurora de Afonso Costa at the head of the foundation, in a combination between professional competence, political decision and the emergence of nursing care demands in Fluminense society.  The Professor already stood out in relation to teaching and caring, seeking the scientific, technical and human competence of care, facing the challenges and exploring solutions in the face of the emerging and continuous problems of the social context of the time. Therefore, there is a historical legacy in nursing in relation to wars and epidemics, which emerges at the present moment and instigates our actions.

The EAAC's mission is to train nurses with technical, scientific, political and ethical competence, as well as the production of knowledge through research developed in the strito sensu graduate programs,  which deepens nursing sciences1,as well as in the inter and transdisciplinarity in the dissemination of knowledge, with the  OBJN journal as the vehicle of dissemination.

The institution is characterized by epistemic specificity in the health field, and develops reflexive and normative actions in human life cycles, contributing to the advancement of nursing as a science and art in the technical, ethical, social and political spheres.  There is a commitment to high-level undergraduate and graduate education, compatible with national and international nursing standards, following the principles of universality, equality, equity and integrality recommended in the Unified Health System (SUS), and reinforcing the organs and class entities, such as the Federal and Regional Nursing Councils, and the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn).

The EEAAC has an important role in the local community by providing extension actions, and an inter- and transdisciplinary dynamic, welcoming students and professionals who contribute to nursing and health care knowledge.

Therefore, this editorial aims to make a brief reflection on the production and dissemination of nursing and health knowledge.

The current unstable and uncertain context leads to the challenge of dealing with uncertainties and highlights the need to build a project for education geared to the future based on a culture of peace and respect. This moment, which implies dealing with diversities in the face of adversities, establishing an approach of understanding, cooperation, inclusion, with respect to the differences that enrich and complement each other, recognizing otherness, in the perspective of building a just, democratic and tolerant society, with freedom of expression.

The moment is one of challenges and implies a political position to guarantee social achievements in the field of health and work, which refers to training focused on a social, transformative, creative, innovative and ethical practice, including measures to repair inequalities. The exclusionary market logic cannot be the fulcrum that governs training and production at work.   

In the institutional scope, it is necessary to find creative, participatory, cooperative and integrated solutions, in the search for resources for the maintenance of activities and investments which support the advances in the training and qualification of the members of the unit, in addition to the promotion of an environment that encourages good working relationships

Contemporaneity requires care for life, the environment and the planet. Thus,  ecology  itself is a branch of transdisciplinary knowledge; it is necessary  to consider the environment, social relations and human subjectivity. Caring implies reparation, maintenance and persistence of life.

In a correlated way, the virtual and media environments are intertwined in this environment and are healthy resources that need to be considered in the production of knowledge and in the promotion of quality of life. These remote resources are now used during this pandemic, in order to make the modalities  of teaching, assistance with health orientations,  human interactions, both professional and family possible.  Virtuality is considered with a level of reality, a sophisticated product of human culture,  incorporated into our contemporary life.

Thus, given the complexity, it is necessary to have spaces that can generate an environment with safety and accessibility for our work of education and training, creating sustainable and human practices, and considering biosecurity, the protection of life, human well-being, through the integration of physical and virtual spaces.

Henceforth, in  the face of the  Covid-19 pandemic, we are being challenged to reinvent our ways of living and producing. We will need  to review our conceptions, methods and approaches. And in other words,, dealing with new ways of caring and teaching,  focusing on  the preservation of life. It is in the remote and face-to-face spaces of daily life that human relationships occur and are configured in a network of people who interact, act and produce knowledge.

It is necessary to reclaim health promotion in the University, in which the aesthetic dimension is integrated into the art of caring, teaching and researching 3. Therefore, it is necessary to produce integrated and shared actions of knowledge, generating conversation with inclusion of the unit members and health service users. It is worth mentioning that teaching and care work imply looking at oneself, care while caring, considering that this care is a social interaction of people, results of overlapping knowledge and practices.

 It is noteworthy that the production of knowledge, committed to the autonomy of Brazilian science and its connection with world knowledge, are pillars in the fight against fundamentalism, segregation, and the coercive control of diversities, which guarantee a plural society based on the scientific spirit , which drives the progress of human thinking.

It is necessary to think about equity and health, so that the reflection of the context needs to follow the formation and practical actions, as well as develop the capacity to create solutions for the health problems of the population.

Science, art and profession need to advance, but it is necessary to be creative in the face of forces that alienate and generate obstacles in order to teach and research with quality, in which the beacon is human well-being and the reduction of social iniquity. Thus, it is necessary to effectively implement interdisciplinarity, thus making connections between the Departments of Teaching, Undergraduate and Graduate Coordination, aiming at the construction of a development plan of the Unit integrated to the university and with society.

The products of the development of science and technology, such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and information technology, must be integrated into nursing and health professional training. They are indeed advances, which are not exempt from philosophical issues and by themselves require a perennial critical awareness. For knowledge is the fruit of human cognition, before desires and needs.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the connection of knowledge 1 of life sciences, both human and social, from the beginning of nursing education, as well as the integration between disciplines, effecting interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinary attitude in the face of the tendency towards fragmentation of knowledge, dualism and the reduction of people to objects. Thus, the aim is to connect disciplines and actions that include living territory, subjectivity and technologies that produce well-being and humanized care.

In addition to training nurses, the EEAAC welcomes professionals from various areas of knowledge, whose focus on knowledge production and innovation is care, in order to contribute to the qualification of the health network and the production of knowledge3. At the same time it outlines the transdisciplinary dimension of this School, which together with nursing sciences needs to be cultivated, maintained and projected. What certainly implies a reflection and action to update the reorganization of the internal branches of knowledge with their respective sub-areas and lines of research.

The OBJN has a central role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge in nursing and related areas, and the current management aims to move towards making the journal a national and international reference through the selection of original publications, with significant impact and open access, aiming at the communication of search results as widely as possible. It is intended to speed up the submission deadlines, use an electronic management system for the editorial process that ensures its standardization, uniformity, agility, transparency and traceability, in addition to valuing ethical aspects in research.

Thus we invite readers to follow the subsequent publications, in respect to the offer of quality and relevance content in the area of nursing and health.




1. DALLAIRE C.D. Le savoir infirmier – Au coeur de la discipline et de la profession infirmière. Boucherville: GaëtanMorin, 2008.  

2. MORIN, E. O Conhecimento do Conhecimento. 4.ed. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2008.

3. TEIXEIRA, ER. A propósito das Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde.  Online Braz J Nurs [Internet]. 2013 set. [Cited 2020 jul 30]; 12(3):427-30. Available from: